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Setting Up
by: David Blackman
Regular Edition

So You're Crazy?

Linux can be a bitch to set up. The first few weeks with Linux will probably be the hardest thing you've done on a computer. Simple things under windows, like configuring a printer, can take upwards of a week. This column is designed to step through the process of setting up Linux, this is not a column for how-to install Linux. Once you've installed Linux, then read this. . There are always two ways to do something in Linux, with a GUI (like control panel in Windows), or on the console (think dos) Here is a rough outline for what will be covered. Just because one section has more bullets then another, don't assume that topic is more complex, it means I had a better idea of how to write that section when I wrote this outline.

Is that enough? I think so. It's more menacing then it looks. Have fun and remember one thing: explore! It's the best way to learn anything.

Other Articles by David Blackman

A crash course introduction to linux.
Configuring X